The EMR Guy

Personal Development through Challenges and Blogging

I’ve been wondering to myself recently.

Over the years, I’ve seen other people blog about their experiences about things as it happened.

That got me thinking… I haven’t really done that yet in my life, so that might be fun.

Blogging or documenting something will help motivate me and keep me in check. It’s also a great way to share experiences for those that actually want to do something similar.

Here’s the thing.

I needed to find something that I want to be better with. Being an introvert, there’s actually a BUNCH of them, so the trick is picking out which I want to do first.

After a little bit of soul searching, I’ve narrowed it down to the following main challenges.

  1. I wanted to up my Snapchat game (A lot of you will probably think: “That’s STUPID!” but hear me out later.)
  2. I wanted to be more comfortable infront of a camera and the idea of having people see me/hear me.

In order to get better at each of those, I need to break them down and practice ONE THING daily until I get comfortable. If it’s possible, I’ll need to combine similar things into one to be more efficient and hit 2 birds with one stone.

Breaking it down into tasks:

Those 2 things will solve the 2 main challenges that I want to be better with and I’ll be doing it all in Snapchat.

Now you might be wondering why this damned Asian would want to be better at Snapchat and be more comfortable infront of a camera.

Well… it’s actually pretty simple:

There are 3 basic rules for each task:

  1. I need to do it daily for 30 days. If I’m still not comfortable, I’ll continue to do it for 30 more days.
  2. I’ll need to share and 1 publish daily on my Snapchat Story and Instagram.
  3. No over-thinking, no paralyzing self-criticism. Just do it!

I’ll be creating a post for each of those “tasks” and I’ll discuss why I chose each of those tasks and how they have helped me.

They will be linked below when they are done.

So, here I go.

Wish me luck. It’s time to get started with the first task and set a daily reminder for it. 👍🏼

Hit me up on Snapchat and let me know what you think.

How about you? Is there a challenge that you want to do for personal development?

It’s almost the end of the year and it’s a great time to get started.